There was a short period of time where I couldn't get my hands on any form of Psychedelia. No research chems, no analogs, not even a single pill of Ecstasy. It was getting to the point where I would have done the most bottom of the barrel drugs to experience some sort of shifted consciousness ( I would have another drought later on that ended with me taking DXM, but that another story entirely. ) I was on the way to my local head shop with my roommate to pick up a few packs of papers for everyone and a pipe for a close friend. I hovered around the room, going by a display case that had an assortment of items that weren't “Tobacco related”. Kratom, Zanny-Bars, Whippits. A shotgun blast of every legal substance that will fuck you up for the right price.
Among these was a large silver package. “Captain Amsterdam's Fly Agaric” was printed in big curly letters on the packaging. I flipped it over revealing a transparent section of the bag that held to my disbelief three large mushroom caps. There was a description in the back that warned me: BOTANICAL USE ONLY. Right. 15 Grams total for 35 dollars, not bad, not bad at all. I checked up on my phone for active doses which ranged from 5-15 grams, so I thought It was perfect. What I neglected to research was the proper preparation for the mushrooms before ingestion, as well of the effects of the mushrooms themselves. I got home and opened the package. A strange, sour odor hit my nose causing me to recoil back. They smelled worse than the most funky Cubensis I’ve had. I weigh out half of the package and decide this was going to be my dose, and much them down. The first hour was a strange wave of drunkenness and increased heart rate. It was a little concerning at the time so I decided to smoke some pot to help my increasingly aching stomach.
Muscimol is the chemical inside of the Fly Agaric that is sought, though it isn't in the mushroom itself. It comes from the digestion of another chemical it has, Ibotinic Acid, A semi neurotoxic chemical that causes symptoms of Central Nervous System Depression
A couple hours carried on and I felt myself becoming increasingly sick, dizzy and strangely enough...Tired. I felt exhausted suddenly. I felt myself fade into a odd sleep for some amount of time. I woke up a couple hours later to throw up over the side of my bed. I heaved three times, green-yellowish gunk flew from my lips multiple times. I realized during my puking that I was sweating like I have never sweat before, on every part of my body. So much so that it actually began to form a ring of sweat on my sheets. The thought of purging before peyote came to mind. Even in this horrific and terrifying state, I felt comfortable with the fact that my body was behaving like this. I was getting rid of...whatever bad things are happening. I fade in and out of puking and sleeping several times over, feeling the trippy effects of the Agaric. I felt as if I was both whiten the Past and future, but there was no present. Time had become nonlinear, and began to feel my body in five places. I woke up the next morning still sweating, thirsty and achey. My throat was raw from the vomiting, and my head spun.
I woke up the next morning still sweating, thirsty and achey. My throat was raw from the vomiting, and my head spun It was not worth 30 bucks.
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